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Lodge Cast Iron focuses on green initiatives.

In every decision we make, our local and environmental impact is at the forefront of our minds. This has led us to create comprehensive recycling programs and invest in foundry equipment that reduces pollution and minimizes our consumption of electricity.


Hands holding dirt
ENERGY STAR® Partnerships

Lodge accepted the ENERGY STAR® challenge in 2011 to reduce energy consumption by 10% over a five-year period. Lodge surpassed this goal in less than one year. Lodge continues to monitor energy use at its foundries, warehouse, and offices in order to pinpoint changes and identify new ways to reduce consumption.

Hazardous Waste Reduction

In 1991, company president Henry Lodge replaced the cupola melting system with a more environmentally friendly induction melt system. In response, Lodge received the 1994 Governor's Award for Excellence in Hazardous Waste Reduction and remains a Zero Hazardous Waste Foundry today.


Member of the Tennessee Green Star Partnership

The Tennessee Green Star Partnership is an environmental leadership program facilitated by the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. The partnership recognizes Tennessee industries committed to sustainability while exhibiting continuous improvement throughout their entire operation.

Employee melting iron in Lodge foundry
Pile of pans and iron scraps

In 2021, Lodge's company-wide recycling program resulted in saving:


of cardboard


of mixed paper


of steel shot


of mixed metals


of shrink wrap


of small batteries


of motor oil


of plastic bottles


of aluminum cans

"Lodge donated 9,225 cubic yards of foundry sand to the Marion County Landfill, saving the county $191,311.75."

Reuse of Foundry Sand

Together with the Environmental Committee of the American Foundry Society, Lodge worked with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation's Division of Solid Waste to draft a beneficial use policy for nonhazardous foundry sand. Adopted in 1996, this use of recycled foundry sand has shown how industry and government entities can work together for the overall good of the environment.

  • Marion County Landfill: Lodge donated 9,225 cubic yards of foundry sand for the required 12-inch protective cover of the landfill’s liner. Completed in 2003, the donation saved the county $191,311.75.
  • Richard Hardy Memorial School: In 2015 and 2016, Lodge donated a total of 5,000 cubic yards of foundry sand for the construction of a baseball field.
  • Facility Expansion: In 2017, Lodge used 65,000 cubic yards of foundry sand for the foundation of its new foundry and distribution center.
Converted to Recycled and Biodegradable Packing Materials

In 2008, Lodge replaced foam packing inserts with paper. This change in material led to the annual use of more than one million sustainable inserts. In 2009, Lodge replaced bubble wrap and Styrofoam peanuts with brown paper and corrugated packing material.

Lodge packaging
leaf closeup with lilypad on water

Settling Ponds Support Plant & Animal Life

A stream flows from South Pittsburg Mountain through the Lodge foundry and into the Lake Guntersville Reservoir Watershed. Working to enhance the stream’s water, Lodge constructed three storm water settling ponds to support plant and animal life. Water lilies, cattails, and fish have been introduced to the ponds and are thriving. Our waste water is now cleaner than the river into which it flows.

"Our waste water is now cleaner than the river into which is flows."

Planting Trees for Beautification & Ozone Attainment

A total of 121 trees have been planted on the Lodge campus to help improve air quality and beautification. The establishment of 1.4 acres of trees is equivalent to removing one motor vehicle from the highway.

Sun dappled leaves