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Environmental Responsibility

Recycling at Lodge Cast Iron

By: Lodge Cast Iron / April 18, 2017

In 2016, Lodge recycled more than 20,000 tons of aluminum, cardboard, plastic, scrap metal, paper, steel, and cast iron - that's the equivalent of removing nearly 8,000 cars from the road!

Recycling at Lodge Cast Iron

It takes a variety of materials to run a cast iron cookware foundry. From the sand we use to make cookware molds to the oil we use to season our cast iron, we make an effort to ensure that everything that can be is recycled. We even reuse our own scrapped castings, melting them down again when something doesn't go right. Last year alone we melted more than 20,000 tons of cast iron down again because it didn't meet our rigorous quality standards.


Lodge doesn't just recycle industrial materials like iron, sand, and steel. We also recycle everything from the soda cans our employees drink to the paper they write on. In 2016, we recycled more than 134 tons of cardboard. That's the equivalent of planting more than 10,000 trees!


Lodge's commitment to environmental responsibility goes back decades. In 1991, Lodge decided to replace the cupola melting system with a more environmentally friendly and energy efficient induction melt system that drastically reduced the company's environmental footprint. Since then, Lodge has continued to take strides to reduce the company's impact across the board.

For more information about our commitment to environmental responsibility, check out our list of environmental success stories.

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Contributed By: Lodge Cast Iron

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